Life is hard enough,

don't do it alone.

Connect with us

One of the best parts of Orchard Church is that we often look, feel and operate like a family. That’s because we believe in intentional relationships.

We believe God designed all of us for community. God is in your corner, and we want you to be surrounded by people who are as well. You can’t grow spiritually if you aren’t connected relationally.

That’s why we encourage people to join a Life Group and/or Core Group. These groups exist to encourage and empower each of us to take responsibility for our own life and walk with God. These groups also come in all shapes and sizes, and often at different points in their faith journeys.

A Life Group is typically 5-10 people, meeting regularly to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible, as you encourage others to do the same.

A Core Group is typically 3-4 people, meeting regularly to do life together- to encourage and challenge one another. To be a support for one another as you seek spiritual and emotional health and growth.

Reach out to learn more about our heart for community groups. Email us at and let us know you’re interested. Before you join a group, come along on a Sunday. Begin your journey with us by joining the family.